Public Events

Jacqueline was asked to take part in a local NHS, WI Health Day giving a kinesiology demonstration on stage. This became a photo feature in a local paper.

ASK - The Association of Systematic Kinesiology (Jacqueline’s professional body) invited her to talk and demo at an official CPD event about her personal experience with Lone Twins and how kinesiology could help them.

Soroptimist International, a guild for women worldwide, much like the WI, asked her to talk and demonstrate Kinesiology and separately talk about JourneyWork. Both were a great success.

If you would like Jacqueline to come and talk to a group, hold a workshop or even perhaps have a more casual smaller coffee morning, please call the Clinic.

Journey Processing Animals - Vox Fauna Nutrition & Allergies Kinesiology Magnified Healing Public Events